About Us

KenyaMOJA.com is a website that aggregates Kenyan content all over the web into an easy to read format. The site only displays headlines and links to articles. All content is automatically updated every few mins / hours to ensure visitors get the latest articles as soon as they are uploaded in the news websites. The articles are arranged with the latest articles always displaying at the top. A date is inserted to help one sort out the content easily. There are also numerous white and blue collar jobs specifically for Kenyans.

The site contains the latest news headlines from the Daily Nation, The Standard, Capital News, K24 and The Nairobi Star. The site never displays the full article but gives the a direct URL to the original article. There are also up-to-date news videos from KTN, NTV, Citizen TV and K24 which all open in a shadowbox to be viewed instantly without opening a new window / browser. There is also a Sports and a Business menu with aggregated content.

The blog titles are displayed on the left of the Blogs page. The content is then arranged according to the dateĀ  uploaded and all blogs written on a particular day are displayed below that date. You can click on an article title to read more with the content displaying below as a drop down. If you click on the blog title to the right of the article title, you will be directed to the original article of the blog. One can submit their blog using the "Submit A Link" menu at the bottom or sending an email to links [at] kenyamoja.com

The site features videos that all open in a shadowbox to be viewed instantly without opening a new window / browser. Various video categories including News Videos, Music Videos, and comedy videos among others can be viewed easily on the site.

There is a collection of updated jobs from Kenyan employers. They are tagged with the date uploaded on the internet and not the date the job offer expires. This is an exellent example of the site's core functionality of converting internet content to an easy-to-read format and providing a link back to the actual article.

Kenya's technology community is growing rapidly and this is a collection of their tech content. Also featured is the World Tech menu that displays articles from the best tech sites around the world.

The entertainment menu provides the latest news and gossip in the Kenyan circles with a World Entertainment menu hosting stories from the top entertainment sites around the world.

There are real-time twitter feeds displaying public tweets from Nairobi and its environs. They are updated every 10 seconds and one does not need to follow anyone to read the tweets.

We link you to KenyanGospel.com for the best Gospel stories in Kenya. Check out the 24 / 7 online radio station as well as dozens of videos and thousands of pictures.

We have partnered with the best Kenyan downloads site called KenyanDownloads.com where any artist can upload music online and monitor their sales in real time. Artists get 100% control over their music.

Streaming the best of Kenyan radio stations online.

We are glad to simplify Kenya's webspace for you. All content remains copyright of the respective sites and this site only displayed that which is availed to them publicly by the said sites.

To advertise on this site, send an email to ads [at] kenyamoja.com