Wellbeing & Success ~ A Masterclass for Women Leaders

Are you:

  • A woman business-owner or founder; or
  • An employed woman leader in an organisation; or
  • A woman who wants to succeed, without compromising your relationships and your wellbeing; or
  • A woman who appreciates learning practical wisdom to enhance your life & work 

If you agree with any or all of the below, then this free interactive Masterclass is for you:

  • I've made a lot of realisations (some the hard way) in the past two years, I've changed as a person, I'm ready to live boldly professionally and personally
  • I want to create more time and space for life outside of work including intimate relationships, family, hobbies, new projects
  • I want to enhance my money mindset and feel good about my finances
  • I find I can no longer be "the strong one" all the time, my wellbeing has been compromised, I want to create a diverse and solid support system, get better at asking for help
  • I'm ready to try new things, perhaps even change jobs or my career
  • I'm ready for an intimate relationship with the right person
  • I'm in abit of a routine that no longer inspires me. I'm looking to rejuvenate and refresh my life
  • I want to have more fun in life
  • I want to find my kindred spirits, other women who healthily love themselves & support each other

Authenticity - Wellbeing - Success - the last three years have changed most of us significantly. We are ready to live life authentically and boldly. When you are 100% yourself (authentic) personally and professionally, you start creating results that you want with excitement and more ease.

"A year from now you'll wish you had started today". How do you want your life and work to look like in February 2024 ? Take the steps today to invest in personal and professional development that will allow you to create fulfilment and success on your terms

This free interactive Masterclass is taught by accredited Wellness & Leadership Coach, Cece Ojany-Bekhor, Director & Coach at The Main Protagonist Coaching.

You will learn:

  • How to leverage the deeper gems of wisdom from the last challenging 3 years (you'll need these in the future)
  • How to get clarity on what you want to create in your business/ career and life outside of work, over the next 12 months - and how to create it
  • A different way/ a new paradigm of approaching the obstacles that show up in life
  • How to be in "flow" (as opposed to grinding and straining) when it comes to your work and life as a whole
  • A healthy way of looking at money and your worth
  • How to leverage the different aspects of your personality to generate success
  • Tools to help you with setting healthy boundaries and overcoming the fear/reluctance that can come with that
  • The important distinction of yin/yang (feminine/masculine) and how to work with it to create a life you'll love
  • A simple yet effective meditation practice you can do multiple times in a day

Give yourself permission. Register for an opportunity to attend this free Masterclass today at Nairobi's uniquest hotel - The Social House. Network and learn in a fun environment with like-minded, like-spirited women.

Note: there will be food and drink for sale on the evening. As parking is limited, please consider taking a cab or parking at a nearby mall like Lavington Mall

Here's what women leaders, who've attended events by Coach Cece , say:

Very informative. I loved that it is interactive" ~Rispah

It felt very inclusive & there was great networking" ~Ciru

I liked the openness & learned alot from the coach & the other ladies" ~Dorothy

I loved the sense of community. This was a group of amazing women" ~Barbara


Here's what women leaders who've been coached by Cece say:

“I first attended one of Cece’s events and how she engaged with the audience drew me in. I raised my hand, bravely went on stage to say that I was a returnee looking for a job. Cece asked me to connect with her after the event and that was the beginning of a great transition journey for me. I signed up for her coaching program and all I can say is, Cece thank you for helping me to (1) Identify and articulate what my true north is, (2) navigate and thrive in Corporate Kenya and (3) learn how to be a better leader” ~ Grace (Kenya)

"What I like about Cece’s approach is that she naturally draws out my thoughts and feelings so that I can see myself in front of me. Since I started her program, I have gained clarity about who I am and how I want to live. I now run my own business, something I have dreamed of for a long time. I enjoy a fulfilling life, doing what matters most to me on a daily basis. I enjoy relationships with those around me. In short, I feel the wonder and excitement about life that I remember from my childhood!"  ~Melissa (Nairobi, Kenya)

Cece came into my life when I was at the edge of a transition that involved my career, my culture and my location. She skilfully helped me navigate through the various components of my life I was re-adjusting, growing into as well as those I was letting go of. I am grateful to have worked with Cece at this pivotal period of my life” ~ Nina (Sweden)

"I had the pleasure of working with Cece in several coaching sessions. I was really impressed by howCece is able to organise discussion points so that you understand what you have achieved first, what youwant, where the challenges are and what help you need to achieve your goals. I felt comfortable enoughto share what was going on in my life without judgement. This woman has a wealth of knowledge. She'sdone the work herself and can pull from a number of her own personal experiences. I recommendworking with Cece if you're looking to gain clarity on what you want from life both personal andprofessional" ~Calgary  (USA)


About your teacher:

Cece Ojany-Bekhor teaches leaders like you how to get the results you want with less struggle, strain and more ease & flow instead. She works with Kenyans, expats and clients overseas by running one-on-one coaching programs for brilliant leaders who value making impact, as well as all day workshops and retreats for organisations. She also works as a conference moderator.

She has run face to face and virtual workshops for organisations such as Pernod Ricard, Momentum Credit, Maersk, Google; for investment funds such as The Luminate Group, AHL Venture Partners, for not for profits such as The UN, The World Resources Institute, Blood:Water and so many more

She has helped founders launch their businesses including Momentum Credit (Kenya), Align The Dots (Sweden), Lead.Powerful.Impact (UK) to name a few

She has also run workshops in other countries including Hong Kong, Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt 

Coaching is what made a huge impact in Cece's life and she is committed to teaching you how to live a life you love by being authentic and doing rewarding work well.

To learn more, visit: www.linkedin.com/in/ceceojany AND www.themainprotagonist.com

For the podcast: check out "The Authentic Leadership" podcast on Spotify and everywhere else podcasts can be found including www.soundcloud.com/coach_ceceojany

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