
  • - Two suspects were yesterday arrested by police officers in  Kitengela after a botched car theft incident. The duo are said to have been trailing the motorist from Ruiru, Kiambu County before  attempting  to steal the Toyota model vehicle at a business parking lot near Yukos area of Kitengela. A…
  • - Kenya Power has announced a blackout scheduled to affect seven counties on Tuesday, May 27, 2024. In a statement on Monday, May 27, 2024, the utility company cited routine network maintenance as the reason for the temporary interruption. In Nairobi County, the interruption will affect Njiru on from…
  • - The High Court has granted Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir, Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung’aro, and Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime three days to respond to a case challenging their order to ban muguka. In a brief ruling, Justice Olga Sewe of the Mombasa High Court issued the directive to the…
  • - Kenyan content creator Brenda Jons has made a comeback citing spiritual renewal as the reason why she took a social media detox. In a recent post on social media, the born-again content creator revealed that she had taken a three-month hiatus to focus on deepening her connection with her faith. “…
  • - Detectives have seized 41 bales of bhang valued at Ksh6.2 million in Komarock. In a statement, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said the drugs were seized following an operation carried out by a joint team from the Anti-Narcotics Unit (ANU) and the Organized Crime Unit (OSU), which…
  • - A woman who claimed to be the personal doctor of Kenya’s opposition leader Raila Odinga has been charged with a Ksh25 million scandal entailing a fake KEMSA tender. Faith Mwikali Ndiwa, who appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi on Monday, May 27, 2024, denied eight charges of…
  • - At least seven people, including a child, have died in southern India as Tropical Cyclone Remal lashed the area with torrential rain and heavy winds. A 12-year-old girl and her father were among those killed, as a poultry shed that was under construction collapsed in a village in the state of…
  • - Two activists have moved to court challenging the recent order to ban the sale, supply, and consumption of the stimulant drug popularly known as muguka by Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta Counties. Under a certificate of urgency, activists Peter Agoro and Micheal Makarina have urged the Mombasa…
  • - All Eric Omondi did was give up his shoes and he got the girl if Lynn Njihia’s recent confession is anything to go by. The mother of one said the comedian gave her his shoes and walked barefoot because her shoes were hurting her on their very first encounter. Speaking to local bloggers, Lynn…
  • - Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has weighed in on the increasing drug abuse in the country stating that the matter is ‘worse than you think.’ Dorcas was speaking during a parents’ meeting at Thika High School when she noted that there was a group of drug traffickers intending to destroy the youth in the…
  • - A pilot and passenger emerged unscathed from a light plane that made a dramatic crash landing in Australia after flying perilously close to houses in suburban Sydney. The Cessna plane lost power during the flight on Sunday, forcing the pilot to make a mayday call to report an engine problem and…
  • - A Papua New Guinea government official has told the United Nations more than 2,000 people were believed to have been buried alive by Friday’s landslide and has formally asked for international help. The government figure is roughly triple the U.N. estimate of 670 killed by the landslide in the…
  • - Gaza officials say the death toll from Israeli air strikes on a camp housing displaced Palestinians near Rafah in the southern part of the strip has risen to 40. “The massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army in the refugee tents northwest of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip has left…
  • - Exhibitions kicked off on Monday, May 27, 2024, at the Kibabii University ahead of the Madaraka Day celebrations set to take place on Saturday, June 1, 2024. This year’s theme of the celebration is ‘focusing on the agricultural sector’ and the Ministry of Agriculture organized the exhibition from…
  • - Newly sworn-in High Court judges have been urged to ensure that a matter does not stay in the court system for more than three years. Addressing the judges on Monday, May 27, 2024, after being inducted by the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA), High Court Principal Judge Eric Ogola said his vision is…
  • - American comedian and actor Dave Chappelle is set to perform in Nairobi this coming Wednesday, May 29, 2024. The concert will feature performances by the legendary comedian and several talented Kenyan acts. The show will take place at Louis Leakey Auditorium, as a courtesy call by Punchline Comedy…
  • - Powerful storms ki*led at least 18 p****e, injured hundreds and left a wide trail of destruction across Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas after obliterating homes and destroying a truck stop where dozens sought shelter in a restroom du**ng the latest d****y weather to strike the central U.S. The storms…
  • - Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Na*sir stated that banning Muguka is not the end of bringing sanity and order to the county. Du**ng a recent interview, Mombasa Governor Na*sir revealed why he has declared a crackdown on Muguka sales, supply and consumption. Governor Na*sir said k**t was too…
  • - Flamboyant city lawyer Donald Kipkorir has shared his mother’s last moments as he marked the first anniversary of her pa*sing. Donald Kipkorir in a statement via his official social media accounts recounted how his mother di*d while they were on their way back to Kenya after seeking treatment…
  • - The newly appointed high court judges arrived in style on Monday, May 25, 2024, for induction by the Kenya Judiciary Academy (KJA). The twenty judges include Moses Ado Otieno, Alice Chepngetich Bett Soi, Benjamin Mwikya Musyoka, John Lolwatan Tamar, Francis Weche Andayi, Andrew Bahati Mwamuye,…
  • - Kenya Power, the pr*mary electricity provider in Kenya, has announced plans for a substantial upgrade to its prepaid token vending system, slated to c*mmence at 10:00 pm on Sunday, June 2, 2024. This initiative, aimed at bolstering service quality, wi*l entail a 24-hour suspension of the system,…
  • - Nairobi County Chief Executive C*mmittee member for Finance and Economic Planning Charles Kerich now says Governor Johnson Sakaja has opposed using force in dealing with hawkers and m**atu operators in the Central Business District. Speaking on Monday, May 27, 2024, on a local radio station, Kerich…
  • - In an ambitious strategic plan of 2024-2027, the Kenya Railways has announced the introduction of 480 new wagons to increase its capacity to transport pa*sengers and c*rgo. The plan wi*l also see the railway witness the construction of new lines for both meter-gauge railway (MGR) and standard gauge…
  • - University of Nairobi Chancellor Prof. Patrick Verkooijen has revealed plans to link graduates to a ready well-paying job market in key reforms set to hit the inst*tution of higher learning. Speaking to a local TV station late on Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Dutch Chancellor revealed that UoN is at an…
  • - Johnny Wactor, the US-based actor best known for his role on the long-running soap opera General Hospital, has di*d after being s**t du**ng a suspected robbery in Los Angeles. He was 37. His mother, Sc*rlett, first confirmed his d***h to TMZ. The Los Angeles police department later confirmed that…
  • - Detectives investigating the f***l s******g of a w***n on a beach in Bournemouth have released CCTV images of a suspect. Dorset Police were called to reports of two women who had been s*****d on Durley Chine Beach at around 11.45pm on Friday. A 34-year-old w***n from nearby Poole was pronounced…
  • - At least 35 p****e were ki*led in an Israeli strike on a camp for displaced p****e in Rafah on Sunday, according to the Gaza Health Ministry and Palestinian medics, shortly after H***s fired a barrage of rockets at Tel Aviv for the first time in months. Gazan authorities and medics say the attack…
  • - A cyclone flooded coastal vi*lages and left hundreds of thousands of p****e without power Monday after making landfall overnight along India’s West Bengal state and Bangladesh, where nearly 800,000 residents had e*******d. Cyclone Remal started lashing Bangladesh’s southern coast late Sunday and…
  • - ODM leaders were recently spotted in a popular Kenyan eatery in the UK, sparking curiosity and excitement among onlookers.  Led by their leader Raila Odinga, Nairobi Senator Ed*in Sifuna and Nyando MP Jared Okello, High C*mmissioner Ed*in Afande, the team seemed to be on a mission, with Ugali being…
  • - Over 130 p****e have di*d at a single hospital in Sudan’s bes***ed city of El Fasher, in the Darfur region, according to medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). F******g between rival groups in Sudan’s civil w*r in the battle for control of the city has recently intensifi*d. The situation…
  • - A section of the victims of the Embakasi gas e*******n that claimed more than 12 lives and left hundreds with s**********s have gone to court, seeking c*mpensation from the government for negligence. Six victims namely Newton Mwaka, Kennedy Kyalo, Samuel Owino, Geoffrey Obegi, Kennedy Otieno and…
  • - A firearm that was stolen from a female police officer in Kasarani in February this year was yesterday found abandoned at the gate of Githurai police post. Another firearm, an A**7 r***e, was also recovered at the residence of a suspected v*****t robber and d**g trafficker in Mutuati, Meru county,…
  • - Drama unfolded at PCEA Reverend Samuel Mir*ma Memorial Church in Gatundu town on May 26, 2024, after members protested against the church leadership over their pastor’s transfer. A***d with vuvuzelas, whistles, and plac*rds, the adherents accused the church management of undermining them,…
  • - Kenya’s retired president Uhuru Kenyatta has a*sured South Africa of a free and fair observation over the general election on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. There are 28 mi*lion registered voters that wi*l cast their ballot in a poll that the ruling party African National Congress (ANC), led by President…
  • - Detectives from the Directorate of Cr*minal Investigations (DCI) have arrested three suspects at Donholm, Nairobi, with suspected c*****e worth Ksh27.5 mi*lion. The d***s, concealed in 298 pellets of the nose candy weighing about 6.8 kilograms, according to DCI, were hidden inside three teddy bears…
  • - About 670 p****e are estim***d to be buri*d under a ma*sive landslide in Papua New Guinea, a UN official says. The h**d of the International Organization for Migration in Papua New Guinea, Serhan Aktoprak, said the impact of Friday’s landslide in the country’s isolated Enga province was greater…
  • - President Wi*liam Ruto has maintained that he did not overspend at the expense of taxpayers du**ng his 4-day trip to the United States (US).  In his statement shared via his official X account, Ruto claimed that contrary to claims that he overspent on his f****t, his trip was cheaper than…
  • - Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Sunday, May 26, 2024, interacted with a section of residents in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu county du**ng his morning walk through the streets. The DP shared photos of himself engaging residents as they embarked on their day-to-day activities. In the photos, he is seen…
  • - Detectives have launched a hunt for a 29-year-old suspect accused of d**g trafficking and v*****t robbery. According to a statement shared by the Directorate of Cr*minal Investigations (DCI) on Sunday, May 26, 2024, the hunt followed a tip-off from members of the public. DCI said the Anti-N*******s…
  • - Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura has recalled an experience he faced on Lake Victoria in 2011. Mwaura said he was acc*mpani*d by the current Kiharu Member of Parliament, Ndindi Nyoro, and du**ng the trip, they decided to experience travelling across Lake Victoria in a boat. “I almost marri*d a…
  • - President Wi*liam Ruto has broken silence about the expenditure on his recent trip to the United States (US). Speaking du**ng an interview with VOA Africa, the H**d of State dismissed the ongoing claims, stating they are c*mpletely exaggerated. Ruto a*sured Kenyans that he is in fact very c*reful…
  • - Kenya Power has announced a scheduled blackout for Sunday, May 26, 2024. In a statement, the utility c*mpany which cited network maintenance as the reason for the scheduled blackout, noted that the interruption wi*l affect 5 counties. Counties that wi*l be affected include; Nairobi, Uasin Gishu,…
  • - Business activities along the bustling Embu-Meru highway came to a grinding halt on Friday, May 24, 2024, as hundreds of muguka traders and farm**s took to the streets to protest the recent ban on the sale of miraa (k**t) in Mombasa and Kilifi Counties. The demonstrators, who decri*d the move as…
  • - Gbag na Jug hitmaker Stoopid Boy has taken a swipe at fellow musician W***y Paul after claiming that he refused to collaborate with him. Addressing the matter du**ng an interview with YouTuber Eve Mungai, the artiste expressed his h**e for Pozee saying he deni*d him a collabo when he was breaking…
  • - A w***n has di*d after being s*****d on a beach in Bournemouth.  Dorset Police were called to reports of two women who had been s*****d on Durley Chine Beach at around 11.45pm on Friday. A 34-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene, while a 38-year-old was taken to hospital with serious i*****es…
  • - The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) has launched investigations into two separate f***l shooting incidents that occurred in South B, Nairobi and Kirinyaga counties, following reports of civilian casualties. According to IPOA, the incidents, which transpired on Monday, 20 May 2024,…
  • - Authorities in Chile have arrested a f*******ter and a forestry official on sus**cion of starting a blaze that ki*led 137 p****e in the resort city of Vina del Mar in February. “An arrest w*rrant was issued today against the person who started the f***s in February in the Valparaiso region,” where…
  • - A devastating accident unfolded on the Nakuru-Eldoret highway in the notorious Salgaa black spot in the early hours of Sat**day morning May 25, 2024. The accident, which occurred at around 3 am, involved a c*******n between a m**atu belonging to the Eldoret Cross Roads Shuttle Sacco and a trailer.…
  • - A priest in Florida bit a w***n’s hand du**ng a p******************n while he was administering C*mmunion to the congregants of his church, officials said. The incident between the priest and a female parishioner began at approximately 10 a.m. on Sunday du**ng Ma*s at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in…
  • - Kenya Film Cla*sification Board (KFCB) Chairperson Njogu wa Njoroge has ordered the management to withdraw notices that require YouTubers to license their channels and seek approval for the content they upload among other demands. Taking to his X account, Njoroge noted the importance of encouraging…