From stage two to four; how poverty prevented me from getting treatment for a rare type of cancer

  • | Citizen TV

    In 2020, Kevin Ouma woke up one morning with pain in his right thigh. He was a casual labourer in one of the eateries in Nairobi, and he thought he had sprained his thigh while carrying out his duties. But the pain persisted as days went by, and when he could not withstand it, he sought medical advice. Several visits to the hospital did not pay off. One day he decided to go for further assessment at the Kijabe Hospital. It was here that he was diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer, a rare type of cancer that affects soft tissues and bones. The cancer was at stage 2, and Kevin started treatment at Kenyatta Hospital. However, he could not continue due to financial constraints. The cancer went to stage 3, and now he suspects it is in stage 4 as he has started feeling pain in his left thigh. Kevin spoke to Citizen Digital.
