TEDxKitisuru: The Art of Connection

In an age where digital communication has transformed how we interact, TEDx Kitisuru invites you to rediscover "The Art of Connection" in its most authentic, inspiring, and diverse forms. Join us on 18 May for an immersive day that promises to explore the depths of human connection through a series of thought-provoking talks, engaging workshops, and meaningful conversations.


Why Attend?

  • Be Inspired: Hear from a curated lineup of speakers—innovators, creators, thinkers, and doers—who will share their unique insights and stories on forging connections in today's fragmented world.
  • Engage and Interact: Participate in interactive sessions designed to challenge your perceptions and encourage direct engagement with ideas and individuals.
  • Network with Purpose: Connect with like-minded attendees passionate about ideas worth spreading, fostering potential collaborations and deepening community ties.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone and everyone with a curious mind and an open heart: professionals across industries, students, artists, activists, and local community members—all are welcome. If you're looking to be inspired, to learn, and to connect with a community of thinkers and doers, TEDx Kitisuru is where you need to be.