
  • - Friends and family of the late Catherine Kasavuli gathered earlier today at Friends Church in Nairobi to bid their loved one goodbye. As seen on social media the ceremony also attracted the likes of Roots Party leader George Wajackoyah, Narc Party leader Martha Karua and Sports Cabinet Secretary…
  • - LGBTQ is a topic that has flown under the radar in Kenya for several years now. They have managed to create enclaves in Nairobi and Mombasa, but have been unable to penetrate other cities and towns where most Kenyans are conservative if not Fundamentalist Christians who refused to even engage on…
  • - Notiflow has found a doppelganger replacement for her ex-girlfriend King Alami. The singer has proved that she has a particular taste when it comes to choosing a stud. Sharing on her Insta stories, the rapper has posted some screenshots of her new catch who is an exact look-alike of King Alami and…
  • - Alot has been said since the murder of Edwin Chiloba and so far to be honest – most seem seem to have quite negative things to say about this community but never did we imagine a whole MP would make homophobic statements on his social media pages. Well if you havent yet seen Moha Jicho Pevu tweet…
  • - Comedian Chipukeezy has shared some shrewd sentiments on relationship matters The jester, who is currently not dating; has been making money moves after his break-up with Miss Kibanja. The two (Chipukeezy and Kibanja) had maintained a low-profile to their relationship; but rumours started piling up…
  • - Noti Flow is a narcissist and she proved this by unveiling an alleged lover who for some reason looks like King Alami…..a rather cheap move considering what her ex lover has been going through since her accident that saw her arm amputated. If you follow Noti Flow I’m pretty sure you came across a…
  • - I cannot have been the only one who has noticed just how much of a penchant Kenyan youth house for celebrating criminals. And it’s quite insane to see that real entrepreneurs, real businessman real scientists; the people really putting in the work to build Kenya as a society don’t get half as much…
  • - Justina Syokau has been trying to remain relevant by clout chasing using her music, fake butt surgery and lastly – her undying love for Ringtone. Yea….incase you missed it, Justina Syokau had earlier revealed she was interested in Ringtone before making a u turn – where she explained herself saying…
  • - Shakilla recently revealed she will be venturing into adult films because that is where the money is. To prove she was serious about her plans, the 21 year old accompanied her post with a very controversial photo leaving us pretty much convinced. However if you ask me, porn should have been her…
  • - Tyler Mbaya decided to announce to the world that he was going to stand by his woman Georgina Njenga after her nudes was leaked on social media and while this is a feel-good PowerPoint it was actually another dumb decision from the man. Damage Is Already Done- Tyler Mbaya Shouldn’t Go The Legal…
  • - Rumor has it that Karen Nyamu could be pregnant again and as usual they feel Samidoh could be responsible. Well this is following a video where Karen Nyamu is seen rocking a small bump (more of like a mummy’s pouch) and although i highly doubt it’s another pregnancy – we have to wait and see since…
  • - It would seem you are right about Noti Flow using King Alami’s accident for clout and it hasn’t taken that long for us to discover this fact beyond the shadow of a doubt. Noti Flow’s New Years Resolutions are a joke She recently took to social media to announce that she had found her ex’s…
  • - Huddah Monroe is back to giving relationship advice and it’s a rather hilarious event to behold. That is because if you know her background then you know that she’s the last person you’d expect to be in a relationship or secondly she’s the last person who should be giving relationship advice given…
  • - Is it me or are African women fed up with African men? Well looks like it that is judging by Huddah’s post where she revealed she prefers settling down with a Russian man and now – Manzi wa TRM aka Carol Leehavi says Asian men treat her better than African men do. Okay let’s sit down for this one…
  • - Anerlisa Muigai and her mum Tabitha Karanja recently opened up about the death of Tecra who passed on about 2 years ago and from what we’ve heard is that this happened after she accidentally fell off a staircase – while her family on the other hand claims she was murdered. However we can’t pinpoint…
  • - Mulamwah and Ruth think pia sisi hatujui mambo ya bestie bestie and for this reason the two continue to insist they are not a couple – yet their social media posts say something different. If you remember well, Ruth was the girl Mulamwah introduced immediately after his dramatic breakup with baby…
  • - So Huddah now says she wants a Russian Man to pull her out of her misery now that she has realized dating African men will keep her stuck in the same position; and just like every other girls dream out her – poverty is not her potion. I totally agree with her judging by the few now successful…
  • - If there is one thing i have noticed about Nick Mutuma is that despite having a successful career in the film industry, making good money and all, surrounding himself with stunning women….he still cant find himself a good woman to settle down with. I mean he dated Bridget Shighadi in his 20’s broke…
  • - Jackton Odhiambo is either just a cold murderer with zero sympathy or is currently having major mental breakdown or worse – is just a don’t care who wants the court to release him on bond while the police continue their investigations on the murder of Edwin Chiloba- who he had earlier confessed to…
  • - Risper Faith is in dire need of more babies. The fact that she’s not satisfied with having just 2 babies in a big house that she resides in tandem with her rich husband Brayo tells a lot. Most rich people are not interested in having less than 3 children- something which I think shouldn’t suffice.…
  • - Comedienne Nasra Yusuf is out here taking netizens for a ride with her antics claiming that she has invited American singer Beyoncé for an event in the country. The jester recently posted that she’s having arrangements with the singer to perform in tandem with her soon; but netizens were not ready…
  • -     Carolina Carlz is happily married to a white man. Unlike many other celebrity relationships, the YouTuber seems to be in an eternal relationship with her white man. A couple of celebrities in the 254 are not working out things in their relationship. A few epitomes include Betty Kyallo, Amber…
  • - Oga Obinna has been releasing music like it’s easy peasy. But to be honest, the numbers are not adding up. In fact, not many people recognize he can also sing. He’s just not good enough. Although he has a few fans here and there – his music isn’t just getting sufficient air play even at Kiss FM –…
  • - Harmonize is not cosseting relationships anymore. The fact that he’s not tardy to replace his exes confirms the latter. Does he really value love? Conspicuously, no. We thought he was honestly in love with Kajala, but it all seems like clout. Most people however, claim they already saw the outcome…
  • - Modern marriages are an institution that Kenyans cannot seem to get right. That explains why we have such high divorce rates despite the fact that it is a herculean task to actually get divorced in Kenya. Why most marriages don’t seem to work anymore Before we even begin to understand why Kenya…
  • - Of you thought people in the LGBTQ community dont suffer same problems as straight people then i guess you now know different following Jackton Odhiambo and Edwin Chiloba’s deadly ending. I know at first we all thought the late Edwin had been murdered by homophobics but then again we later heard…
  • - The queer community is growing day by day. More & more people are coming out as gay without necessarily giving a damn on what stereotypes think about them. The bottom line is, some have decided to accept themselves for who they really are. While some are struggling to get to understand…
  • - Shakilla wants you to know she is not a local socialite but an international one who made $3000 for just twerking while on an international call with one Tory Lanez. Not quite sure where that came from….i mean we were already aware that she can shake her nyash and still remember what she did to the…
  • - Betty Kyallo has been missing in action for a while now – but as usual, she always finds a way to cause a stir on social media when making a comeback. Don’t believe me? Maybe…but if have you seen her latest bikini photo, then you know what i am talking about. Well, the former news anchor caused a…
  • - Willy Paul is a crybaby and no one likes a crybaby. It’s rather hilarious to see him complain that plugs do not give Kenyan artists as much love as I give foreign celebrities knowing full well he is part and parcel of the culture that created a problem. Why Kenyans prefer bashing Willy Paul to…
  • - After it was reported that Edwin Chiloba had been killed, Kenya’s LGBTQ community led by Makena Njeri decided to attack Kenyans for what they termed as homophobia. And this hue and Cry generated a lot of media attention shining a spotlight on Kenya’s fledgling homosexual community. LGBTQ Or Not, No…
  • - Stereotypically, the rainbow peeps are often seen as peculiar in the community. Some of it’s members have come out to publicly confess that they’re gay; while others decide to keep their sexual orientation under wraps. Either way, there’s no turning back for those who are already in the public…
  • - Zari’s young lover Shakib has been maintaing his silence ever since rumor had it that he dumped a young wife to be with 42 year old Zari Hassan; who he seems to be madly in love with despite the many stories surrounding their age difference. Well there are those who claim Shakib looks 23 years…
  • - Amira has finally moved on from her ex husband Jimal and thanks to a video shared on her IG, we almost got to see the fine Somali man she has allegedly been seeing for a while now. This new development comes right after Amber Ray and Kennedy Rapudo announced they are expecting their first child…
  • - Former Machachari actor Tyler Mbaya alias Baha has maintained that his love for girlfriend Gerogina Njenga remains undeterred despite her leaked erotic video. According to Georgina, it was her bitter ex who decided to leak the videos due to jealousy of her current relationship with Baha. Tyler…
  • - Karen Nyamu almost lost her senate job following an altercation she had with her baby daddy’s wife, Edday Nderitu a few weeks back in Dubai and from the videos – we could all see that this was a result of alcohol and a little jealousy seeing that both women shared singer Samidoh as a husband. With…
  • - The death of Edwin Chiloba has undeniably shaked up many especially with the manner his killers stashed his body in a metal box…..evu just imagine what they had to do to his body to fit in a metal box….ile sanduku ya highschool. Cruel.   Having been found wearing women clothings, we can only assume…
  • - Justina Syokau is really goghtijg for her spotlight in the entertainemnt scene and unlike other gospel artists who have slowly faded away from the scene- Justina has refused to go down without a fight and this is why details of her private life are now surfacing online. Well after her dramatic…
  • - Magix Enga is having one of the most controversial period of his career. The music producer is known to be the best in the business, but he has transitioned into something else beyond our understanding. Drugs have for a long time been known to be one of the things that affect people’s careers. And…
  • - Singer Akothee has been having lots of fun with her new found love and we cant blame her for that. Lately she has been sharing nothing but happy posts on social media and despite losing her pregnancy a few weeks back – she’s back to entertaining her man. So, if i may ask when was the last time you…
  • - At 38 years old, Michelle Ntalami should consider having meaningful relationships that will lead to having a family & eventually, kids. But the Marini Naturals CEO seems dis-interested in doing the latter. Instead, she’s out here hanging out with her fellow ladies. She started with Makena Njeri…
  • - The recent brutal torture and murder of Edwin Chiloba has served once again to remind a marginalized and brutalized community; members of the LGBTQ in Kenya of the fact that the conservative Christian country is not yet ready to accept them as they are and perhaps never will. Size 8 has every right…
  • - Georgina Njenga is trending at number 1 on twitter; reason being, her leaked nude videos. Her boyfriend Baha (former Machachari actor) has also been dragged into the whole mess. To try and cool things up, Tyler went ahead to post an adorable photo of his lover and captioned with love emojis. Some…
  • - Kennedy Rapudo who has not only decided to marry Amber Ray but has also put a bun in the oven and as I pointed out yesterday all the true love’s weather current former such as the likes of Kamene Goro are over the moon. Kennedy Rapudo Did What Jimal Could Not For some reason this beta male decided…
  • - Jimal Roho Safi he has no direction and it shows as clear as day given just how off-kilter he has been with regard to his wife (the mother of his children Amira) and the woman for whom he raised it all Amber Ray. Jimal Roho Safi needs to stop panting after his exes Don’t get it twisted he is still…
  • - Baha’s baby mama Georgina Njenga has been making headlines after one of her ex boyfriend’s allegedly leaked her nudes online after weeks of blackmailing her….and since she did not comply – the guy then chose share them with the world. According to Georgina Njenga these nudes were taken back when…
  • - Georgina Njenga is having a tough time online following a video that was leaked by an ex she dated or had a fling with back in the day while still in college. From the stories shared online is that Georgina Njenga was already aware the video was going to surface online since the alleged ex had tred…
  • - Amber Ray is on the verge of welcoming her 2nd born child; and guess who’s impregnated her? Kennedy Rapudo. A man who we never thought would be the one to do so. They once separated after a period of datig; citing that they were only good friends. A few months later, they went on ‘baecation’. This…
  • - President William Ruto isn’t feeling the heat from netizens who are sharing their different sentiments on whether his moves are worth-it. A significant number of people have complained that the cost of living has gone higher in the few months he has been in office. Recently, he lifted the ban on…
  • - Instagram model and YouTuber Thee Pluto has recently been on the spotlight after several people questioned his source of wealth. The youngin had bought himself a Toyota TX worth millions last year. In a matter of months, he once again flaunted a similar ride, but of a different color. Andrew Kibe…